To learn or not to learn
SEO expert image SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the improvement of your website (on-site SEO) and promotion of it (off-site SEO) to gain higher rankings in the Search Engines Results Pages (SERPS).
There are many variables that need to be right before even considering hiring an SEO Expert. Here are some questions you may wish to ask your self in order to qualify to become a client at 1 SEO Experts:
Things To Consider About SEO
* Do I have a good domain name?
* What keywords will cause me to increase revenues?
* Are the keywords I want expensive?
* How many search terms are included in an SEO campaign?
* Do I know how long it will take?
* Can I afford SEO?
* Am I spending my life savings to carry on an SEO Campaign
* What is the reputation of my web host?
* Who owned the domain name before me?
* How old is my domain?
* Is there any adult content on my web host?
* Does my domain name contain the keyword I am competing for?
* Do I have information that is not relevant to my search term?
* How fast is my content delivery?
* Did I hire a web design company to build my website?
SEO FU Masters
SEO is not moving keywords around web pages. There are too many out there who believe in keyword feng shui. How people react to your website means more to your rankings than how many times the word SEO is on your page. Great websites begin with great content. While Google may be an 11 year old unruly child, it is the future and from where all commerce will flow. It just might be best to make friends before it becomes a teenager.
There Is No Secret Formula
So what is the secret? How do I learn how to fool Google? The answer is you do not. You can not be happy with visitors that will be dissapointed when they arrive at your website and then promptly "BOUNCE" (leave your website).
Matt Cutts
Matt Cutts is the best thing to happen to Google ever. He spends a good amount of time informing webmasters on Googles position on various issues that relate to webmasters and how they make their websites.Most of what Matt Cutts and the SEO experts say is good common sense.
For example the use of superlative language on your site pages can seriously damage the extent of your online presence in search engines. Superlative language is: "The best vodka ever" etc. The statement is superlative because it is subjective.
Superlative Language is NOT responsible LSI
If you lie on your website you can not expect Google to feature it. Imagine a search engine with nothing but hype filled results for every search. The team at Google do their very best to make sure their visitors have a positive experience. If they send you visitors, will you provide them with a positive experience? And if your answer is yes, then which experience will each search vector bring?
SEO Expert
There are SEO systems here that are so advanced a former JPL employee applied for a job and promptly crawled into the fetal position. I left him in front of a UNIX terminal for an hour and I returned to find him sitting there starring at the same screen an hour later. My point is there are probably 5 people in the industry I might consider having lunch with.
SEO Breakfast Special
* Domain Names
* Keyword Research
* Content Delivery Speed and Uptime
* ALT Tags
* Links
* Site Structure
* Great Content.
* Flash? Google can't read movies