On page optimization is essentially the procedure of improving a webpage/website’s content and other site’s back-end basics to progress its keyword rankings on search engine result pages.
At the stage techniques will be followed:
- Optimizing Meta tags, in which I contain my targeted keyword(s) on the title page, meta description and meta keywords.
- Optimizing HTML Tags, where I emphasize my keywords inside the document through Header tags (H1, H2, H3…)
- Structuring a fresh navigation for all the main pages and categories of the site in a hierarchy style.
- Keyword positioning, where the important keyword(s) is used as the first word on the title, positioned on the first 5 words of the meta description and also positioned on the first 50 words of the body copy.
- Keyword density on the body copy of as a minimum 0.6 – 2% for the targeted keyword.
- Internal links within the page that use keywords (targeted and/or related) as anchor texts to direct on other internal pages of the site.
- Staging internal links from other pages of the site to direct to the optimized destination page using targeted keywords as anchor text.
- Use of pretty permalinks/page URLs.
- Keywords employed as anchor text for site links (footer, sidebar, navigation links).
- URL canonicalization.
- Site’s speed/loading time and HTML page size.
- Optimizing image alt text
- Use of XML Sitemap
- Inclusion of Video Sitemap to fully optimize videos posted on the site.
- Optimizing Robots.txt file
- Usage of Rel=”nofollow” attribute for advertisements and affiliate links.
- Limiting the external or outgoing links within the page.
- Trying to use the targeted keyword in the domain’s name.
- Addition of the keyword in the URL and keeping the length of the URL short.
- Ease of the reading level of the page’s content (through format, coherence and wording, sentence as well as paragraph structure).
- Ratio of nofollow and dofollow attributed links on the page (both external and internal)
- Making sure that each link – may it be external or internal – which are located on the page should direct to an active page (check for dead, broken and forbidden links).
- Optimizing a 404 page template to direct visitors to the site’s homepage instead when page entrance errors occur.
- Following XHTML/HTML code errors through W3C Markup Validation.